How to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Back pain has the potential to ruin your plans. Whether you’re living with lower right back pain, lower left back pain, left side back pain, or right side back pain it can restrict you in ways that you simply cannot overcome. Whatever kind of chronic lower back pain you have, your life will be dramatically impacted. There are many kinds of back pain exercises that combined with the best sleeping positions for lower back pain can help to alleviate your discomfort.

How You Can Reduce Back Pain

Back pain can be extremely debilitating. But thankfully, there are things you can do to reduce the pain you experience and mitigate the risk of it returning in the future. Using holistic treatment to manage back pain is a great alternative to potentially harmful medication.

how to relieve lower back pain

Some of the most effective ways you can mitigate the pain from your back are:

Stretches for Lower Back and Hip Pain

There are different stretches for lower back pain and severe lower back pain that you can do if you’re struggling to manage the pain.

  • Knee Rolls: Lie on your back with your knees pointing to the ceiling. Slowly roll them to your side and hold them there for a few seconds before raising them to the center again. Repeat the process on the other side.
  • Pelvic Tilts: While lying on your back in bed, hold both hands on your hips and slowly tilt them towards the mattress. Slowly tilt your hips so your back flattens into your mattress. Hold it for a few seconds before doing the same on the other side. Return to a neutral position for a short while and repeat the process.
  • Single Knee Hug: This exercise involves lying prone and bringing your leg up to your chest in one fluid motion. Lie on your back and slowly bring your knee up to your chest while keeping your other knee putting up towards the ceiling. Bring it back down to a resting position before repeating the process with your other knee.
  • Double Knee Hug: While lying on a soft surface, bring your knees up close to your chest. You can wrap your hands around just below your knees to help achieve a deeper lift if you feel comfortable doing so. Slowly release back to a resting position before repeating the motion.

These exercises can help alleviate the pain associated with several conditions including a pinched nerve in the hip and general back muscle pain.

Our Miami Accident Clinic Knows How to Relieve Lower Back Pain Effectively

Our experts provide a comprehensive range of treatments for accident injuries. Whether you have a bodily injury due to slip trip and fall hazards in public, or have been the victim of slip and fall injuries in the workplace, we provide several treatments including spinal decompression therapy to help you get back to 100 percent. Even a low-impact car accident can cause back injuries so it’s important to get yourself checked over even if you feel okay. Whether you have mild discomfort or severe back pain, the team at the Silverman Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center™ can help.

Stop the pain! Schedule a consultation today! Call us at 305-676-8525 or simply contact us online.