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Worker’s compensation
If you’ve been injured by a workplace accident such as a trip or slip, then you may be entitled to worker’s compensation. Being off work with an injury can be stressful as you’ll likely have additional expenses such as medical bills to pay. Many people worry about how they will take care of their families after suffering a workplace injury.
Workers’ compensation can help give you peace of mind as it will help with lost wages and medical expenses. If you’ve suffered an injury that wasn’t your fault at work, it’s vital to talk to Silverman Chiropractic accident clinic as soon as possible. We have years of experience of dealing with accidents and injury that occurs at work. We’ll aim to get you the best compensation package possible.
Types of workplace injury
Workers’ compensation is awarded to people who have had a workplace accident or injury that wasn’t their fault. If your boss or another employee did something to cause your accident, then the business should be held liable and help support you and your family while you recover. Compensation is a financial settlement that can be used to cover any costs you may have incurred due to your injury—for example, medical and travel expenses and loss of wages. For more severe accidents, you may be entitled to a larger financial settlement. The impact the accident has had on your life and whether you’ve suffered long-term effects or disability that will affect your future are all taken into account.
Some workplaces are more hazardous than others, and many employees are asked to follow health and safety rules at work. However, in some workplaces, health and safety rules aren’t adequate, and injury does happen. Job’s outdoors, on construction sites or farms, or those requiring heavy lifting, driving, or exposure to chemicals are particularly dangerous. If you’re operating machinery, you may be at risk of injury.
While some types of employment seem to be more dangerous than others, accidents can happen at any workplace. An individual could slip on some spilled water while working in a café or trip over delivery boxes. Any accident that has caused significant injury due to the negligence of another employee or boss or due to reckless behavior is worth perusing compensation.
Commonly, individuals claim worker’s compensation if they’ve suffered from a severe injury that has meant they are no longer able to work or had to take an extended leave. Examples include head trauma or spine and neck fractures, broken bones, burns caused by chemicals or open flame, and respiratory problems. You can claim workers’ compensation if any part of your body has been affected. In some cases, you may even be able to claim for psychological distress.
While receiving workers’ compensation won’t take away the injuries you’ve suffered and the pain and distress you’ve gone through, it can help you get your life back on track. Many people also see compensation as a much-deserved apology, and it can also ease the financial pressure for yourself and your family.
What is Covered in a Worker’s Compensation Claim?
Worker’s compensation is an insurance that can help injured people get their life back on track. Most employers would rather settle a negligence case that has resulted in an accident or injury with workers’ compensation rather than risking a lawsuit. Many employees cannot sue their employer even if they wanted to, as their contract forbids it.
Worker’s compensation often provides the best solution for both the employer and the injured party. Anyone who has suffered an injury during the normal course of business can claim workers’ compensation. The amount of financial assistance that will be available to you will depend on the severity of the injuries and how long-lasting they are.
Many people find it challenging to work out whether they are eligible for workers’ compensation or find it difficult to apply. It’s best to seek legal advice by hiring an attorney who specializes in workers’ compensation claims. Claiming worker’s compensation may seem complicated, or perhaps it’s not totally clear who was at fault when your accident happened. Seeking legal advice can help to take the stress out of the situation and will allow you to find out precisely what you’re entitled to claim.
What to do if You Require Surgery?
The law in Florida regarding workers’ rights says that anyone who needs surgery due to a work-related accident may seek legal advice from an attorney. Ensure that you seek advice from an independent specialist who is objective about the case and isn’t attached to your employer in any way. An objective attorney will be able to provide you with an unbiased opinion.
If surgery is required, you may need significant downtime, which means you should be compensated for medical expenses and loss of wages. The severity of the injuries and type of surgery will also be considered when determining the amount of workers’ compensation your insurance is likely to provide.
If you fail to comply with the law and don’t seek legal advice, you may find your benefits or insurance will be terminated. If you’ve been recommended surgery from your medical team and the attorney recommends that you have surgery to receive workers’ compensation, refusing the surgery will likely result in termination or lowering of your benefits and compensation you’ll receive. It’s, therefore, crucial to get advice as soon as possible so that you know what your next steps are and so that you’re financially taken care of.
Medical expenses can all add up, especially if you’re required to stay in hospital or have surgery. Suffering from a severe injury is not only painful and inconvenient; it is also very stressful if you’re worried about how to pay your medical expenses
How Can Silverman Chiropractic accident clinic Help?
Talk to an experienced workers’ compensation attorney before things get too overwhelming. Our team will help put your mind at rest and will work with you every step of the way. Silverman Accident Clinic works with experienced and aggressive attorneys that are prepared to handle your case. Silverman Accident Clinic will be with you every step of the way for a fast and speedy recovery. A skilled attorney will negotiate on your behalf to help you get enough compensation to cover all your medical expenses as well as any other unexpected costs you’ve incurred due to the accident.
If you’ve experienced an accident or injury at work, you’ll likely need to take time off to recover, especially if you’ve had to have surgery. If you don’t have money put aside for bills and other expenses, you could end up with financial problems. Workers’ compensation is also available to cover loss of earnings. You deserve to be able to relax and recover without having to worry about how to pay your rent and bills or how to feed your family.
It’s important to note that a settlement amount agreed upon by yourself and your employer is a lump sum. You’ll only receive a one-off payment and will forfeit your rights to future payments or additional benefits. Don’t let your employer make an out-of-court settlement. Instead, seek legal advice and get all the worker’s compensation you’re entitled to.
Our team can talk you through the whole process without rushing you or pressuring you to make a claim. We’ll listen as you tell us what caused your accident and take time to ensure we understand the situation and the effect it’s had on your life. We’ll then give you the advice you need to proceed with a worker’s compensation claim. After we’ve submitted your claim, our team will negotiate on your behalf. We’ll also keep you up-to-date with what’s happening and let you know if you need to provide any more evidence. You’ll be regularly kept updated throughout the whole process.
How is Workers’ compensation calculated?
The amount of workers compensation individuals receive varies for each claim. We’ll negotiate your worker settlement to help get you the highest amount possible. Your injuries, treatments, experience, financial loss due to injury, and how much impact the accident has had on your life will all be considered when working out your worker’s compensation. The amount you’ll receive after submitting a claim will be unique to you. There isn’t a set amount if you’re in a work-related incident or accident.
Due to how workers’ compensation is calculated, we won’t be able to estimate the amount you’re likely to receive before you talk to our team and begin a claim. Rest assured that our attorneys are highly skilled and experienced and will work hard to negotiate your claim and get the full amount you are owed.
When negotiating your compensation, we’ll take into account the severity of your injury and how long your recovery time is likely to be. We’ll also look at whether or not your injury is expected to affect the rest of your life, as well as how much time you’ve had to take off work because of your accident. Medical and care expenses will also be considered, such as physiotherapy, prescription costs, and surgery. You may also be entitled to claim money to cover travel expenses. For more severe injury, you may require long-term care and adaptions to your car or home.
Contact Our Office Today!
It’s crucial to seek advice from a professional before making a worker’s compensation claim. Our team is skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to the process of worker’s compensation for accident injuries. We can help guide you to settle your case with the highest worker’s compensation you deserve.
Don’t hesitate to contact the team today on 305-676-8525 or info@silvermancare.com for more details about starting a compensation claim.
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